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Software Development- From Scratch to A Great Software

Have you had any clue on how the process of software development goes? Would you like to know?
Alright, here it is.

Yes, that’s right. It’s basically a concept build into a Product and it’s involved with lots of works and
reworks and reworks and reworks. It all starts with requirement analysis, Specification and an Architecture on the functionality flow. Once the key function and flows are decided, the development starts.

 Let’s step into the process a little in detail:

1. Requirement Analysis
Whether its a Website or a Software, collecting and analyzing requirement is the first step in development process. Only a concept will be delivered by the client to the requirement analysis team. Team probe the client and retrieve in-depth knowledge on requirement to develop the end-product.

2. Specification
This is the level where the entire requirements are collected and represented mathematically and in
written format. Specifications are written to better understand and fine tune the Development Process.

3. Software Architecture
This is the stage of Development process where a Wire Frame or Process Flow Architecture is created. This will help the development team better understand each modules and its relation to other modules.

4. Implementation
This is the most obvious stage of all development process where the requirement collected and
analyzed are put into designs and codes.

5. Testing
This is the most important stage of all development process not just limited with Software
Development. A Product should go through various levels of testing and a bug free system is exported as a result. In fact, testing stands for quality and client satisfaction.

6. Documentation
This part also plays a crucial part in the process of software development. Documentation is done for
the purpose of serving future maintenance and enhancement of the system. Every software developed need an update or modification on a later stage. Documentation makes this process easy as the software flows and code structures are already documented.

7. Training and Support
It is very important to train employees in an organization to use new software as people are reluctant
to change and may not use new software developed. It is important to incorporate software
enthusiasts in the training with new users as well as the rest of the company to build interest.

8. Maintenance
So as to adjust to new changes it is necessary to improve and update software for which the
maintenance department has to work on. Creating a software takes up only 40% of time as maintain and updating uses 60% of a software engineers time.

In short, Software Development is an art of aligning different modules related to each other to retrieve the best output from a concept.

Arius Web Studio is an Offshore Software Development Company in India. The process of development has its complicity and effort to come up with great soft wares. Arius considers lots of factors from user to the client end while developing a product. Software development requires constant look through and maintenance and we do that part with quality and efficiency. We lessen the burden from your shoulders by giving our best to you.